1 war damages
נזקי-מלחמה (נזקים שקרו בגלל מלחמה)* * *◙ (המחלמ ללגב ורקש םיקזנ) המחלמ-יקזנ◄ -
2 War damages
أضرار حرب -
3 war damages
oorlogsvernietigingen, oorlogsschade (schade door de oorlog veroorzaakt) -
4 war damages cities
Макаров: война несёт разрушение городам -
5 ♦ war
♦ war /wɔ:(r)/A n. [cu]guerra ( anche fig.); lotta: civil war, guerra civile; (fig.) cold war, guerra fredda; the war against (o on) famine, la guerra contro la carestia; class war, lotta di classe; holy war, guerra santa; crociata; declaration of war, dichiarazione di guerra; to be at war, essere in guerra ( anche fig.): The neighbours are at war again, i vicini sono di nuovo in guerra ( tra loro); to declare war on a country, dichiarare guerra a una nazione; to go to war, ( di nazione) entrare in guerra; ( di persona) andare alla guerra; to wage war on sb., far guerra a q.; to fight a war, combattere una guerra; to avert war, evitare la guerra; nuclear war, guerra nucleare; price war, guerra dei prezziB a. attr.● war baby, figlio di guerra □ war booty, bottino di guerra □ war bride, sposa di guerra □ (polit.) war chest, fondo di guerra; (fig., polit., fin., spec. USA) fondi per finanziare una campagna elettorale, una campagna di acquisti, ecc. □ (fig.) war clouds, nubi di guerra; situazione minacciosa ( nella politica internazionale) □ (giorn.) war correspondent, inviato di guerra □ war crimes, crimini di guerra □ war cry, grido di guerra; (fig.) slogan □ war damages, danni di guerra □ war dance, danza di guerra □ war debt, debito di guerra □ (econ.) war economy, economia di guerra □ (mil.) war establishment, effettivi di guerra □ war game, (mil.) esercitazione tattica; ( anche) gioco di simulazione bellica, war game □ war-gaming, uso di giochi di simulazione bellica; ( anche, USA) conduzione di una campagna elettorale (e sim.) usando strategie militari □ (mil.) war gas, aggressivo chimico □ (mitol.) war god, dio della guerra □ war loan, prestito di guerra □ the war machine, la macchina bellica □ war memorial, monumento ai caduti in guerra □ (polit.) the war of nerves, la guerra dei nervi □ (stor., in GB) the War Office, il Ministero della Guerra □ war paint, pittura di guerra ( usata dagli indigeni); (fig.) cosmetico, trucco: to put on the war paint, truccarsi □ war pension, pensione di guerra □ (aeron.) war plane, aereo militare □ war potential, potenziale bellico □ war scares, diffusi timori di una guerra □ war song, canto di guerra □ war-torn, devastato dalla guerra □ war weary, stanco della guerra □ war whoop, grido di guerra (spec. degli indiani d'America) □ war widow, vedova di guerra □ war worn, logorato dalla guerra □ (leg.) articles of war, codice militare □ to have been in the war, essere stato in guerra; aver fatto la guerra □ to have been in the wars, essere un veterano di tutte le guerre; (fig. scherz.) essere ridotto a malpartito, essere conciato male □ to have had a good war, essersi comportato bene in guerra □ (mil.) to be on a war footing, essere sul piede di guerra.(to) war /wɔ:(r)/v. i.guerreggiare; far guerra: to war with (o against) a neighbouring country, far guerra a un paese vicino. -
7 נזקי-מלחמה
war damages -
8 dommage
dommage [dɔmaʒ]1. masculine noun• (c'est) dommage !• (quel) dommage ! what a pity!• (c'est or quel) dommage que tu ne puisses pas venir it's a pity you can't come2. plural masculine noun3. compounds* * *dɔmaʒnom masculin1) ( chose regrettable)c'est très ou vraiment dommage — it's a great shame ou pity ( de faire to do)
2) ( dégât) damage [U]•Phrasal Verbs:* * *dɔmaʒ nm1) (= préjudice) harm, injuryle dommage subi — the harm done, the injury sustained
See:2) (= dégâts, pertes) damage no plLa tempête a causé d'importants dommages. — The storm caused serious damage.
3) (en locution: chose regrettable)c'est dommage de faire — it's a shame to do, it's a pity to do
c'est dommage que — it's a shame that, it's a pity that
C'est dommage que tu ne puisses pas venir. — It's a shame you can't come., It's a pity you can't come.
quel dommage! — what a pity!, what a shame!
* * *dommage nm1 ( chose regrettable) (quel) dommage! what a shame ou pity!; c'est dommage it's a shame ou pity (de faire to do; que that); c'est très ou vraiment dommage it's a great shame ou pity; il serait dommage que it would be a shame ou pity if; c'est pas dommage○! iron great! iron;2 ( dégât) damage ¢; dommages importants severe damage; subir des dommages to suffer damage; causer des dommages à to damage;dommages corporels personal injury ¢; dommages immatériels special damage ¢; dommages matériels material damage; dommages et intérêts Jur damages; il a touché 10 000 euros de dommages et intérêts he was awarded 10,000 euros in damages ou damages of 10,000 euros; dommages de guerre Jur war damage ¢.[dɔmaʒ] nom masculincauser un dommage à quelqu'un to cause ou to do somebody harmdommages et intérêts, dommages-intérêts damages2. (généralement pluriel) [dégât matériel]dommage matériel, dommages matériels (material) damage3. [expression d'un regret](c'est) dommage! what a shame ou pity!dommage que tu n'aies pas pu venir! what a pity ou shame you couldn't come! -
9 danno
"damage;Schaden;sinistro (seguro)"* * *m damage( a persona) harmrisarcire i danni a qualcuno compensate someone for the damagedanni pl all'ambiente environmental damage, damage to the environment* * *danno s.m.1 damage, harm, injury, detriment; ( derivante da perdita) loss: danno rilevante, heavy damage; nessun danno alle persone, no one was hurt (o there were no casualties); cagionare, causare un danno, to cause damage; recare danno a qlcu., to do s.o. harm (o an injury); i danni causati dalla tempesta furono rilevanti, the damage caused (o done) by the storm was very heavy; la siccità ha causato danni irreparabili all'agricoltura, the drought has caused irreparable damage to agriculture; quella campagna ha causato un danno irreparabile alla nostra causa, the campaign has done our cause irreparable damage (o harm); accertare, constatare i danni, to ascertain (o to check) the damage; essere esposto a danno, to be liable to damage; evitare un danno, to avoid damage; patire, subire un danno, to suffer damage (o a loss); preservarsi da un danno, to guard oneself against damage; ricuperare i danni, to recover damages; riparare il danno, to repair (o to make good) the damage (o to make good the loss); valutare i danni, to estimate the damage (o the losses); non tentare di ripararlo, fai solo danni!, don't try and repair it, you are only damaging it!; un attentato a danno del presidente, an attempt on the life of (o against) the president; continuava a lavorare sette giorni alla settimana a danno della propria salute, he continued to work seven days a week to the detriment of his health // a mio danno, to my prejudice; ( a mie spese) to my cost (o at my expense) // (dir.): danno diretto, immediate damage; danni liquidati, non liquidati, liquidated, unliquidated damages; domanda di danni, claim for damages; chiedere i danni a qlcu., to make a claim for damages to s.o. (o to claim damages from s.o.); in caso di perdita o danno, in case of loss or damage; responsabilità dei danni, liability for damages; il responsabile dei danni, the wrongdoer; avere diritto al risarcimento dei danni, to be entitled to damages; citare qlcu. per danni, to sue s.o. for damages (o to bring an action for damages against s.o.); condannare al risarcimento dei danni, to condemn to pay damages; pagare, risarcire i danni, to pay damages (o for the damage); danno ambientale, environmental damage; danno morale, moral damage; risarcimento del danno morale, (spec. amer.) solatium; danni punitivi, punitive (o exemplary) damages; danni di guerra, ( fra nazioni) reparations, ( a privati cittadini) war damages2 (letter.) grief, sorrow, trouble.* * *I ['danno] sm(gen) damage, (a persona) harm, injuryarrecare danno a qn — to harm sb, do sb harm
II ['danno] vbchiedere/risarcire i danni — to sue for/pay damages
See:* * *['danno]sostantivo maschile damage U (anche dir.); (a persona) harm, injuryfare, causare -i — to do, cause damage
i -i del gelo, dell'acqua — frost, water damage II danni m.pl. (indennizzo) damages
••* * *danno/'danno/I sostantivo m.damage U (anche dir.); (a persona) harm, injury; fare, causare -i to do, cause damage; subire un danno to come to harm; i -i del gelo, dell'acqua frost, water damage II danni m.pl. (indennizzo) damages; citare per -i to sue for damages; chiedere (il risarcimento de)i -i to claim for damagesaggiungere la beffa al danno to add insult to injury\danno materiale damage to property; danno morale moral damages. -
10 risarcimento
"indemnity;Entschädigung;ressarcimento"* * *m compensation* * *risarcimento s.m.1 (dir., comm.) compensation [U], indemnity, refund, reparation; damages (pl.): risarcimento dei danni, compensation for damages; (dir.) risarcimento nominale dei danni, nominal damages; domanda di risarcimento, claim for damages; infortunio rimasto senza risarcimento, an accident which has not been compensated; aggiudicare il risarcimento dei danni, to award damages; avere diritto al risarcimento dei danni, to be entitled to an indemnity (o to damages); domandare il risarcimento dei danni, to claim damages; essere obbligato al risarcimento, to be bound to pay an indemnity; (dir.) risarcimento del danno morale, solatium; (dir.) risarcimento in forma specifica, specific redress; ottenere un risarcimento, ( per danni) to recover damages; risarcimento per inadempimento contrattuale, damages for breach of contract; risarcimento dei danni di guerra, reparations (for war damages); risarcimento delle spese, refund of expenses2 ( riparazione) repair.* * *[risartʃi'mento]sostantivo maschile indemnification, amends pl.; dir. compensation, recompense, restitutionrichiesta di risarcimento danni — claim for damages, insurance claim
* * *risarcimento/risart∫i'mento/sostantivo m.indemnification, amends pl.; dir. compensation, recompense, restitution; richiesta di risarcimento danni claim for damages, insurance claim; richiedere il risarcimento dei danni to claim for damages. -
11 damage
1. [ʹdæmıdʒ] n1. вред, повреждение; поломка, порча; убыток, ущерб, уронto the damage of smth. - во вред /в ущерб/ чему-л.
severe [slight] damage - серьёзный [небольшой /незначительный/] ущерб
blast /shock/ damage - разрушения, вызываемые ударной волной
displacement damage - спец. повреждение кристаллической решётки в результате смещения атомов
to sustain great damage - сильно пострадать, быть серьёзно повреждённым
to do /to cause/ damage (to) - а) причинять убытки; наносить ущерб; портить; the fire caused great damage to the house - дом сильно пострадал от пожара; б) вредить, подрывать; this has done severe damage to his reputation - это серьёзно подорвало его репутацию; в) причинять беспокойство
2. pl юр. убытки; компенсация за убытки, возмещение убытковaction for /of/ damages - иск о возмещении убытков
to repair /to pay/ the damages - возмещать убытки
to sue for a thousand dollars in damages - требовать через суд тысячу долларов в порядке компенсации за убытки
3. часто pl разг. стоимость, расходwhat's the damage? - почём?
I'll stand the damages - я плачу, я угощаю, угощенье за мой счёт
4. уст. невыгода, неудобство2. [ʹdæmıdʒ] v1. 1) повреждать, портить; причинять ущерб, убытокto damage a house [a ship] - повредить дом [судно]
the luggage was badly damaged by fire [in transit] - багаж сильно пострадал от огня [при перевозке]
2) вредить, мешать, портить2. повредить; подбить, ушибитьto damage one's nose [eye] - разбить нос [подбить глаз]
her appearance was damaged - на её лице были следы ушибов /ударов/
3. дискредитировать, чернить, пятнать4. редк. портиться -
12 damage
damage ['dæmɪdʒ]1 noun(a) (UNCOUNT) (harm) dommage m, dommages mpl; (visible effects) dégâts mpl, dommages mpl; (to ship, shipment) avarie f, avaries fpl;∎ damage to property dégâts mpl matériels;∎ the storm did a lot of damage l'orage a causé des dégâts importants;∎ he said he would make good the damage il a dit qu'il allait réparer les dégâts;∎ smoking can cause serious damage to your health le tabac nuit gravement à la santé(b) figurative tort m, préjudice m;∎ the scandal has done the government serious damage le scandale a fait énormément de tort ou a énormément porté préjudice au gouvernement;∎ the damage is done le mal est fait;∎ familiar what's the damage? (how much do I owe?) ça fait combien?□(harm → crop, object) endommager, causer des dégâts à; (→ food) abîmer, gâter; (→ eyes, health) abîmer; (→ ship, shipment) avarier; (→ reputation) porter atteinte à, nuire à; (→ cause) faire du tort à, porter préjudice à;∎ the storm damaged a lot of trees de nombreux arbres ont été endommagés par la tempête;Law dommages mpl et intérêts mpl, dommages-intérêts mpl;∎ to award damages to sb for sth accorder des dommages et intérêts à qn pour qch;∎ to sue sb for damages poursuivre qn en dommages et intérêts;∎ liable for damages civilement responsable;∎ war damages dommages mpl ou indemnités fpl de guerre►► damage limitation effort m pour limiter les dégâts -
13 Kriegsrücklage
(Versicherung) war reserve;
• Kriegsschäden war damages;
• Kriegsschädenamt compensation office;
• Kriegsschadenshilfe war-damage assistance;
• Kriegsschadensvergütung war indemnity. -
14 война несёт разрушение городам
Makarov: war damages citiesУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > война несёт разрушение городам
15 Kriegsschäden
war damages -
16 damage
1. n1) ущерб; урон, убыток; вред; повреждение2) pl убытки, потери; компенсация за убытки, компенсация за потери, возмещение убытков, возмещение потерь•to award damages against smb — принимать судебное постановление, обязывающее кого-л. возместить убытки
to be responsible for damage caused to smb — нести ответственность за ущерб, причиненный кому-л.
to cause damage to smth — наносить / причинять ущерб / урон чему-л.
to deal a damage — наносить / причинять ущерб
to demand indemnities for damages — требовать компенсации / возмещения убытков
to incur damage to smth — наносить / причинять ущерб / урон чему-л.
to inflict severe damage (on smth) — наносить / причинять огромный ущерб чему-л.
to lay damages at smb — взыскивать убытки с кого-л.
to pay $... in damages — возмещать убытки в сумме... долларов
to repair the damages caused in a recent earthquake — восстанавливать повреждения, вызванные недавним землетрясением
to suffer serious damage — нести значительный ущерб / значительные потери
to sustain a damage — нести ущерб / урон
- anticipatory damagesto the damage of smth — в ущерб / во вред чему-л.
- collateral damage
- considerable damage
- criminal damage
- ecological damage
- economic damage
- environmental damage
- first-strike offensive damages
- heavy damage
- indirect damage to a country's economy
- irreparable damage
- irreversible damage
- libel damages
- little damage
- long-term damage
- material damage
- money damage
- moral damage
- political damage
- recovery of damages
- reparation of war damage
- spiritual damage
- substantial damage
- tangible damage
- the total cost of the damage is estimated at $... mln.
- untold damage
- vindictive damages
- war damage
- weather damage 2. v1) повреждать, причинять ущерб, наносить ущерб2) дискредитировать, чернить• -
17 обезщетение
compensation, amends, indemnity, offsetюр. damagesобезщетение за загуби compensa tion for lossesвоенно обезщетение war indemnityполучаване на обезщетение юр. recoveryискам обезщетение claim damages* * *обезщетѐние,ср., -я compensation, amends, indemnity, offset; юр. damages; военно \обезщетениее war indemnity; искам \обезщетениее claim damages; \обезщетениее за нанесени вреди compensation for damage; \обезщетениее при отчуждаване на земя land damages; \обезщетениее при прекратяване на договор severance pay/payment; \обезщетениее при съкращение (от работа) redundancy payment; получаване на \обезщетениее юр. recovery.* * *compensation: обезщетение for losses - обезщетение за загуби; damage (юр.): claim обезщетениеes - искам обезщетение; indemnity; redress{ri`dres}; reparations; smart-money{sma;t `mXni}; solatium* * *1. compensation, amends, indemnity, offset 2. ОБЕЗЩЕТЕНИЕ за загуби compensa tion for losses: военно ОБЕЗЩЕТЕНИЕ war indemnity 3. искам ОБЕЗЩЕТЕНИЕ claim damages 4. получаване на ОБЕЗЩЕТЕНИЕ юр. recovery 5. юр. damages -
18 indemnización
f.1 indemnification, compensation, reparation, restitution.2 indemnification pay, indemnification.* * *1 (compensación) compensation, indemnity2 (acción) indemnification\indemnización por despido severance pay* * *noun f.indemnification, compensation* * *SF1) (=acto) indemnification2) (=suma) compensation, indemnitypagó mil dólares de indemnización — he paid one thousand dollars in damages o in compensation
3) pl indemnizaciones (Mil, Pol) reparations* * *a) ( por pérdidas sufridas) compensation, indemnity (frml); ( por posibles pérdidas) indemnity (frml)b) ( por despido) severance pay* * *= indemnity, reparation, settlement.Ex. This is a proposal for a directive to approximate the laws relating to guarantees and indemnities.Ex. This government agency was established to administer claims and reparations arising from World War 1.Ex. According to the market regulator, the traders would be required to mandatorily honour the obligation of delivering the shares at the time of settlement.----* indemnizaciones = compensation coverage.* indemnización por daños y perjuicios = compensatory damages.* indemnización por despido = severance compensation, severance pay, golden handshake, severance scheme, redundancy pay.* indemnización por despido, finiquito, compensación por despido = severance scheme.* póliza contra indemnizaciones = indemnity insurance, indemnity policy.* seguro contra indemnizaciones = indemnity policy.* seguro contra indemnizaciones profesionales = indemnity insurance.* * *a) ( por pérdidas sufridas) compensation, indemnity (frml); ( por posibles pérdidas) indemnity (frml)b) ( por despido) severance pay* * *= indemnity, reparation, settlement.Ex: This is a proposal for a directive to approximate the laws relating to guarantees and indemnities.
Ex: This government agency was established to administer claims and reparations arising from World War 1.Ex: According to the market regulator, the traders would be required to mandatorily honour the obligation of delivering the shares at the time of settlement.* indemnizaciones = compensation coverage.* indemnización por daños y perjuicios = compensatory damages.* indemnización por despido = severance compensation, severance pay, golden handshake, severance scheme, redundancy pay.* indemnización por despido, finiquito, compensación por despido = severance scheme.* póliza contra indemnizaciones = indemnity insurance, indemnity policy.* seguro contra indemnizaciones = indemnity policy.* seguro contra indemnizaciones profesionales = indemnity insurance.* * *cobramos una buena indemnización we received generous compensation2 (por despido) severance payCompuestos:damages (pl)relocation allowance* * *
indemnización sustantivo femenino
( por posibles pérdidas) indemnity (frml);
indemnización sustantivo femenino Fin (cantidad de dinero) indemnity, compensation
' indemnización' also found in these entries:
- expropiar
- pactar
- reclamar
- compensation
- compensatory
- indemnification
- indemnity
- redundancy pay
- restitution
- severance
- redundancy
* * *[compensación] [por catástrofe] compensation; Der indemnización por daños y perjuicios damages* * *f compensation* * *indemnización nf, pl - ciones1) : indemnity2)indemnización por despido : severance pay -
19 compensación
f.1 compensation, recompense, amends, indemnification.2 compensation, counterbalancing factor, offset.3 padding.4 clearance.* * *1 compensation, indemnity\cámara de compensación clearing housecompensación bancaria clearing* * *SF1) (=pago) compensationcomo o en compensación — as compensation
le ofreció 100.000 dólares como compensación — he offered him 100,000 dollars compensation
compensación por despido — severance pay, redundancy payment
2) (=recompensa)en compensación: tendrán que devolver sus tierras, pero en compensación,... — they will have to give up their land, but in return o in exchange,...
3) (=equilibrio)4) (Jur) [de deudas] compensation, redress5) (Econ) clearing* * *1) ( contapartida) compensation¿qué puedo ofrecerles como compensación? — how can I make it up to you?
2) (Fin) clearance, clearing* * *= compensation, reimbursement, reparation, payback, quid pro quo, redress.Ex. Therefore to bind up more copies of an edition than could be sold within a short period of time tied up capital without any compensation.Ex. This article considers the following models of payment: tuition reimbursement by employer; tuition paid by the student; and tuition assisted by scholarship or grant.Ex. This government agency was established to administer claims and reparations arising from World War 1.Ex. In the 1980s the illegal reproduction and distribution of information was a tedious process that generally produced poor payback.Ex. This has occurred because publishers have required a transfer of copyright as a quid pro quo for publication.Ex. The prevention of piracy is clearly preferable to seeking redress in the courts.----* compensación por daños y perjuicios = liquidated damages.* compensación por despido = redundancy payment, severance compensation, severance pay, golden handshake, redundancy pay.* compensación punitiva = punitive damages, exemplary damages.* compensación sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault compensation.* en compensación = compensatory.* que no tiene compensación = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].* * *1) ( contapartida) compensation¿qué puedo ofrecerles como compensación? — how can I make it up to you?
2) (Fin) clearance, clearing* * *= compensation, reimbursement, reparation, payback, quid pro quo, redress.Ex: Therefore to bind up more copies of an edition than could be sold within a short period of time tied up capital without any compensation.
Ex: This article considers the following models of payment: tuition reimbursement by employer; tuition paid by the student; and tuition assisted by scholarship or grant.Ex: This government agency was established to administer claims and reparations arising from World War 1.Ex: In the 1980s the illegal reproduction and distribution of information was a tedious process that generally produced poor payback.Ex: This has occurred because publishers have required a transfer of copyright as a quid pro quo for publication.Ex: The prevention of piracy is clearly preferable to seeking redress in the courts.* compensación por daños y perjuicios = liquidated damages.* compensación por despido = redundancy payment, severance compensation, severance pay, golden handshake, redundancy pay.* compensación punitiva = punitive damages, exemplary damages.* compensación sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault compensation.* en compensación = compensatory.* que no tiene compensación = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].* * *A1 (resarcimiento) compensationacepto el traslado si en compensación me aumentan el sueldo I'll accept the transfer if my salary is increased by way of compensation¿qué puedo ofrecerles como compensación? how can I make it up to you?2 (pago) compensationexijo una compensación por los perjuicios sufridos I demand compensation for the damage done* * *
compensación sustantivo femenino ( contapartida) compensation;
en compensación por algo in compensation for sth
compensación sustantivo femenino compensation
' compensación' also found in these entries:
- contrapartida
- liquidación
- clearance
- clearing
- compensation
* * *compensación nf1. [indemnización] compensation;en compensación (por) in return (for);recibió 10 millones en compensación por el fallecimiento de su marido she received 10 million in compensation for the death of her husband;solicitan una compensación económica por los daños sufridos they are seeking financial compensation for the damage2. Fin clearingcompensación bancaria bank clearing3. Psi compensation* * *f compensation* * ** * *compensación n compensation -
20 damage
1. n1) урон, ущерб, убыток; вред- the damage of smth.- inflict damage on smb.2) pl убытки; компенсация за убытки•2. vповреждать; дискредитировать, чернить; пятнать- damage relations with smb.
См. также в других словарях:
war damages — losses which occur during a war … English contemporary dictionary
Damages (TV series) — Damages Damages intertitle Format Legal drama Psychological thriller Crime Mystery Created by … Wikipedia
Damages (season 4) — Damages Season 4 Country of origin United States No. of episodes 10 Broadcast Original channel Audience Network … Wikipedia
Damages — Titre original Damages Autres titres francophones Dommages et intérêts ( Québec) Genre Série judiciaire, dramatique Créateur(s) Todd A. Kessler, Gle … Wikipédia en Français
War — • In its juridical sense, a contention carried on by force of arms between sovereign states, or communities having in this regard the right of states Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. War War … Catholic encyclopedia
War reparations — refer to the monetary compensation intended to cover damage or injury during a war. Generally, the term war reparations refers to money or goods changing hands, rather than such property transfers as the annexation of land.HistoryPre World War… … Wikipedia
Damages — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel Damages – Im Netz der Macht Originaltitel Damages … Deutsch Wikipedia
Damages – Im Netz der Macht — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: Damages – Im Netz der Macht Originaltitel: Damages Produktionsland: USA … Deutsch Wikipedia
War of 1812 — This article is about the Anglo American War of 1812 to 1815. For other wars in 1812, see War of 1812 (disambiguation). War of 1812 The unfinished United States Capitol after the burning of Washington. Watercolor and i … Wikipedia
War children — This article is about children with a foreign military parent. For children used as soldiers, see Military use of children. For the mass evacuation of children from Finland during the Continuation War, see Finnish war children. For children of… … Wikipedia
War of the Triple Alliance — Infobox Military Conflict conflict= War of the Triple Alliance partof= caption=Colonel Faria da Rocha reviewing Brazilian troops in front of the Tayi market, 1868. date= 1864 1870 place= South America casus= territory= result= Allied victory… … Wikipedia